2025 Annual STEM Skills Mississippi Competition – Pre-Register NOW !!!

2025 10th Annual STEM Skills
Mississippi Competition
3rd-12th grades

Saturday March 29, 2025 (3rd-5th grades)
Saturday April 5, 2025 (6th-8th grades)
Saturday April 12, 2025 (9th-12th grades)


Location: Nissan – Canton, MS
All students welcome. No experience required.
Main Event:  SUMO Wrestling Robots
Pre-Register below now.

Video of previous competitions featuring SUMO Wrestling Robotics

2022 STEM Competition

Mississippi Robotics is a non-profit organization involved in training youth and teachers in science, technology, math, and engineering through practical hands-on activities. This STEM SKILLS Mississippi Competition is designed to exercise and measure the students’ ability in several important areas involving academic, skill, critical thinking, and strategy. STEM prize awards are earned. 

Join our exciting individual and mystery events. 

Our events this year will be selected from:  Electricity, Math, Science demo, Binary Puzzle, Measurements, Trim Triangle, Vehicle Race Course.  With every event the student can earn STEM points for prizes.   Come and have fun with all the events!!!

Schedule for the Day
Check-in 7:30am-8:30am
Welcome 8:45am-9am
Events 9am-12 noon
Lunch Noon-12:30pm
SUMO Finals 12:30pm-2pm
Awards 2pm-3pm

Event Details and Rules coming soon.

The main event for the competition will be SUMO Wrestling robots. As in the video at the top of this page, remote controlled vehicles (r/c cars, robots) attempt to overturn or push their opponents off the mat for points.

STEM Prizes. 1st-3rd place in each event is awarded STEM Points that can be spent in our STEM Store for very cool science & engineering kits, drones, robots, telescopes, Chemistry kits, etc.  Over $3,000 of awards will be available.

Parents / Coaches / Teachers.  Pre-register below to reserve your team a spot in the STEM SKILLS Mississippi. After you register your individual or team you will be sent all the information to sign up each of your students as well as the payment link. The entry fee is $55 per student.  

This is a Pre-Registration form to show your intent to participate. You will be notified in late February 2025 as to signing up your individual student.

    Coaches / Teacher / Parent First Name

    Coaches / Teacher / Parent Last Name

    Coaches / Teacher / Parent Email

    Coaches / Teacher / Parent Phone

    School/Organization/Family Last Name/Club

    City, State



    Your Estimated # of students competing in 3rd-5th (March 29, 2025)

    Your Estimated # of students competing in 6th-8th (April 5, 2025)

    Your Estimated # of students competing in 9th-12th (April 5, 2025)

    Please provide the math answer before Submitting:

    The $55 PayPal/Credit Card payment link will be added after March 1, 2025.  Purchased orders are accepted from schools and organizations.  Please allow sufficient time for the purchase order to be processed.  Email a copy of the purchase order to:  MSRobotics.STEM@gmail.com

    Mississippi Robotics