2019 SUMO/STEM Robotics Competition 3rd-12th grades
Pre-Registration Deadline was Sat August 24, 2019. We have exceeded our capacity at this time. We are looking for more space to handle the overflow. If we can take more students we will. You can add your signup to our WAITING LIST below. If accepted the registration fee will be $15 per student. Final notice should be given before Oct 1, 2019.
The finals for the 2019 SUMO/STEM Robotics Competition will be held on Saturday, October 19th at the Nissan Training Center. This is an all-day event usually from 8am to 5pm. Based on the number of registered participants we may have a pre-qualifying Saturday before Oct 19th. All competition events are for individuals including the SUMO event.

WAITING LIST Pre-Register (Click Here) Your School / Organization / Team will be notified by October 1, 2019 or sooner if we have space available.
For those currently accepted, the final Registration and payment deadline will be September 21th OR SOONER. This is the deadline to register every individual student and school and make payment. The registration fee for those that pre-registered by Aug 24th will be $10 and $15 for those that register after August 24th. Final registration will be available soon.
Events. The competition events will include SUMO/Robotics wrestling tournament, Science, Math, Tool ID, Drone Flying, R/C Car Bowling. Students will get to chose two events between the SUMO tournament, Drone Flying, and R/C Car Bowling. Math, Science, and Tool ID is required for all participants. SUMO is the only event requiring your own robotic vehicle. More details will be available on the SUMO robot soon. A custom design will be allowed this year.