Tag: mississippi
STEM/SUMO Robotics Statewide Competition at Nissan Canton April 28, 2018
2018 STEM/SUMO Robotics Statewide Competition
Saturday, April 28, 2018 at Nissan – Canton, MS
8am – 5pm
3rd – 12th grades
All students welcome. No experience required.
Event Photos are on our Facebook page
Mississippi Robotics is a non-profit organization involved in training youth and teachers in science, technology, math, and engineering through practical hands-on activities. This STEM/SUMO Competition is designed to exercise and measure the students’ ability in several important areas involving skill, critical thinking, and strategy.
As we have done in our last two competitions students will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places with STEM Points that can be redeemed at our STEM Store at the end of the competition.
Groups of four or more must sign up to be eligible for the team events. This competition is expected to be limited to 250 students due to facility space.
All applications must include a $10 fee per student and must be paid on-line, by a mailed in check before April 15, 2018, or by a school PO received before April 15, 2018.
All fees are attached to a particular student and are non-refundable. Before April 15th a student can be replaced, after April 15th no additions or changes can be made. Apply early. Register your team early to secure a spot. Pay by April 15, 2018. School PO’s accepted.
A one-hour break will be taken for lunch. Coaches, please consider bringing sack lunches as local restaurant/fast food services are over one mile from Nissan. Nissan is considering having commercial lunch trucks available.
The competition will consists of seven individual events and four team events.
SUMO wrestling robots tournament. Each age category and robot category will compete in a four-on-four or two-on-two tournament style bracket competition until one robot team is left in each category.
- Teams shall consists of two students and up to two robots. One of the robots is used for the match. Students may switch driving during the match but not switch robots.
- All ground remote-controlled vehicles are allowed. This includes robots and R/C cars or custom vehicles.
- Vehicles sizes shall be as follows:
3rd – 5th 16″ x 16″ x 16″ maximum
6th – 8th (small robot) 16″ x 16″ x 16″ maximum
6th – 8th (large robot) 20″ x 20″ x 20″ maximum
9th – 12th (small robot) 16″ x 16″ x 16″ maximum
9th – 12th (large robot) 20″ x 20″ x 20″ maximum
3rd-12th R/C cars will be sized by small (< 14″) or large (>= 14″)
All robots can expand after the match starts.
- Based on age group and robot size the play fields are 3rd-5th (6′ x 6′), 6th-8th (10′ x 10′), or 9th-12th (12′ x 12′).
- Vehicles cannot have any sharp edges and no added excessive weight. They can have duct tape, wood, cardboard, paper, plastic, etc as part of the robot build structure.
- Sumo rules: Robots start by driving in the opposite direction near the center of the mat. 30 points is earned when your opponent is disabled (up to 10 sec). 20 points when your opponent is pushed off the mat (any robot part touching off the mat). Each lost part assembly (one or more parts together) is minus 5 points. Each robot has two corner blocks on diagonal corners. Each block can only be pushed entirely off the mat only one time. It is not replaced. 10 points for the first block and 20 points for the second block. Play stops (but not time) and robots are restarted near the middle of the mat after each scored points. Points cannot be earned in a row without a restart. Time will be stopped for lost bluetooth. Play will continue for all lost parts and dead battery. Judge will remove all lost parts from mat as soon as possible. In case of a tie a one minute sudden death match will be played (first to score wins).
Six other individual events
- Tool ID. Participants will have five minutes to identify up to 25 basic hand tools.
- Math (required). Each grade group will have 10 minutes to work as many as 20 grade level math problems. Math is a required event to earn any STEM points.
- Science. Participants will watch one or two cool science experiment(s) and answer 20 total questions.
- Mystery Event. Participants will compete in the same teams of two as in SUMO. The teams will have two minutes to push various objects outside a circle. Each object type will have a different point value. Team participants will change drivers at the one minute mark. 4-8-18
- College Info. College representatives will answer questions for points. Ten points to participate.
- Inventor ID. Participants will have 10 minutes to match up the Name or Face with an invention from 18th century inventors (1700’s). Inventor Name/Face and invention photos/images will be provided. Here are four links that would help in learning about 18th century inventors and inventions. Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4
Four team events.
Each school/organization can have one team of four for each event (Two teams for Chess based on grade). Each team consists of mixed age groups. Team members can participaate on more than one team event as long as all team members participate. The Chess event (10:30-11am) and Bike event (1:30-2:30pm) will be one hour each and will not be at the same time. The Programmable Maze and Troubleshooting event will be ten minutes and the teams will have from 9:30am to Noon to complete the event. 4-8-18
- Bike Tear-Down and Build. Teams of four will have one hour to tear down and rebuilt a designated bicycle. The required bicycle must be a 20″ boys or girls bike with two hand brakes, a kick stand, and a single-gear rear chain drive. No derailer. Examples from WalMart are HERE. It is highly recommended each team have the bike donated by a local business and after the competition to donate the bike to a children’s charity. The typical cost of the bike has been $60-$90.
- Chess. Participants will play a competitive chess activity for points. Individual scores are kept and added together for all team members. 1st-4th place by team will be awarded. Chess rules are HERE.
- Programmable Maze. Participants will have 10 minutes to program and run their autonomous robot (no driver control) through a simple Maze consisting of two turns, a semi-circle and several straight sections. The basic shape of the Maze will be given but not the exact dimensions (CLICK HERE). The Maze surface will be white with a 1″center black line the robot can optionally follow or the robot can be programmed to follow the shape of the maze. Maze path borders will be a black line. Each team will be given 2 minutes to setup before the 10 minute time starts. Each team member should have an assigned duty. Teams provide everything necessary to program, download, and run their robot autonomously (robot, laptop, software, cords and wire. An electrical outlet will be available. Teams need to program ahead of time the basic program structure and adjust parameters when the 10 minutes starts. Teams can run the Maze as many times they can within the 10 minutes. Once a robot starts into the Maze it will be allowed to finish that run even if time runs out. There will be lines to determine how many points a team will get based on how much of the Maze was completed within 10 minutes on the best run.
- Troubleshooting. The Nissan Training Center staff will conduct a troubleshooting event concerning a flashlight. Coaches are highly encouraged to teach their students everything about a flashlight and how it works and what happens when it does not work. Teams of four will have ten minutes to complete the event. 4-8-18
Any of the above events may change as necessary for the competition.
Make your payments in bulk (for more than one student). You will be sent a Student Registration Spreadsheet to complete before April 15th.
On-Line Registration. Please pay using the PayPal button. All payments are non-refundable. Proceed to fill out the Student Registration Form.
Student Registration Form
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