2014 Fall Competition Sign-Ups

Please sign up your teams by Friday, Oct 17th. Use one form per team. If the information changes and you need to resubmit then just submit again. I will catch the duplicate. Late signups are ok up to Oct 24th but I need the majority of your teams by the 17th so I can have time to make the name tags.

IMPORTANT: IF YOU DON’T RECEIVE AN EMAIL REPLY FOR EACH TEAM PLEASE LET ME KNOW AT 405-596-0292. If you don’t get it then I don’t get it.

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Your Organization

    Competing Team Name

    Competing Team Grade Category

    Team Member #1 Name

    Team Member #1 Grade

    Team Member #1 Gender

    Team Member #2 Name

    Team Member #2 Grade

    Team Member #2 Gender

    Teams within the same age category can share robots. Will this team be using a shared robot? (this is encouraged to allow the students to invite their friends)


    Will this team compete in the RobotC Programming Troubleshooting? (encouraged for all high school age teams)


    Please certify that you have or will obtain a photo release on these team members

    I will

    Mississippi Robotics