2019 STEM/SUMO Competition Registration

Please register each student individually. If you need to update any registration just register them again and I will accept the latest information submitted. This might happen if the student changes which events they want to enter or the size of their robot.

    Coaches First Name

    Coaches Last Name

    Coaches email

    Student First Name

    Student Last Name

    Student Gender

    School/Organization/Family Last Name/Club

    Student Grade


    All students have to compete in the Math, Science, and Tool ID event in order to earn any awards. If they wish they can also select two more events from the following list.

    Select one or two (not all three):

    If SUMO Wrestling is selected please select a robot description below. DO NOT select a robot size if SUMO is not selected above.

    Typical standard robots are NXT, EV3, VEX, BEST, R/C car (small), R/C car (large), Tetrix, Custom-built. Categories are based on sizes. Please select the robot size catagory for this student.

    All robots can expand after the match starts. Custom built robots can use standard kit wheels, motors, and wifi module but not any standard piece OVER 1" from a kit.

    If you have a custom robot you are encouraged to upload a picture.

    If any of the above information changes please resubmit this form and the latest submission will be accepted. The student name must be the same.

    Payment: After submitting the above form please make your payment using the Paypal payment form below. If you are paying for more than one student you can wait until they all are registered and make one payment.

    Purchase Orders: If you are paying by a school purchase order you MUST fill out the information on this page (Click here).

    Student or School/Organization

    Mississippi Robotics