2020-21 Upcoming Events

Mississippi Robotics has several events scheduled for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.  As we all know the state slowdown affects events at certain locations. Some of our pending locations may have to be changed.  We perform Teacher Professional Development, STEM on-line student training, student STEM/Robotics competition, on-site student and teacher training.  We are your STEM expert in K-12 STEM curriculum.  We are here to help you.  Please use the form below and let us know your interest in our activities and services. We will keep you informed by email.


2020-21 School YearSTEM On-line Training

September-November   One-day Training for new STEM teachers. (Jackson and South MS areas)

October 24 / November 14   Mississippi Robotics STEM/SUMO Statewide Competition (Jackson area)

October 3, November 21  Private student training & competition (Jackson area)


January 28  MAIS private schools competition (Pearl, MS)

March 26-27  Mississippi Robotics STEM Statewide Teacher’s – Industry Trainer’s Conference – Theme “Virtual Reality” (Nissan, Canton, MS)

March Underwater Robotics Workshop

April Underwater Robotics Competition – Dauphin Island, AL

    I'm interested in STEM Competitions
    I'm interested in STEM Camps
    I'm interested in STEM Underwater Robotics
    I'm interested in STEM Teacher's Training
    I'm interested in STEM K-6th On-line Classes
    I'm interested in STEM 7th-12th STEM On-line Classes
    I'm interested in STEM Private Training/Competitions at School
    I'm interested in High School / College dual enrollment
    My school is interested in a Virtual Reality Demonstration
    I would like to be contacted concerning STEM consulting
    I'm interested in ALL OF THE ABOVE

    I am a student
    I am a parent
    I am a teacher
    I am an administrator
    I am from industry


    Mississippi Robotics