2019 STEM Teacher’s – Industry Trainer’s Conference

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STEM Teachers/Industry Trainers Conference
Friday, March 22 (12 noon – 5pm) – Saturday, March 23 (8am – 5pm)
at Nissan Training Center – Canton, MS

“STEM Education:  Making it work for Industry”

Announcing our 4th annual STEM Teacher’s/Industry Trainer’s Conference. The dates will be March 22nd – 23rd. The location will be Nissan Training Center – Canton.

The conference will be limited to 150 teachers and 50 students. We will start Friday at 12 noon and end Saturday at 5pm.  Check-in Friday 11:30am.  Saturday lunch will be provided by Nissan. Thank you Nissan.

Our Special Guest speaker will be Ryan Miller, Associate Director, Ole Miss Center for Manufacturing Excellence (CME).

The Conference Virtual Reality (VR) Workshop is available to all attendees based on availability on Fri or Sat. 

VR Workshop:  Vince Jordan, President/CEO of Lobaki, and his staff will conduct the workshops. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are quickly being adopted by industry, health care professionals and educators as the means to improve workforce training.  Come and experience it for yourself and learn firsthand what this revolutionary technology is all about.  Three workshops will be offered; one Friday afternoon (teachers) and two on Saturday (teacher, student).

Each Workshop will be limited to 75 attendees. High school and college students are welcome.

The Conference cost for all attendees will be $75 (both days plus Workshop). Payment after March 15th is $95.  Purchase orders accepted.  If you know you are coming then please register and make your payment by March 15th.  Late payment will move you to the waiting list.

Speakers:  Nine speakers sessions are planned. Topics include Employable skills, 3D design & equipment, STEM for students, Mechatronics & Automation, STEM R/C cars and drones, STEM in elementary education, and more.

Conference Flyer (pdf)
Conference Agenda (pdf) (early release)

We will continue our development of the Employable Skills Set for K-12. Employable Skills are industry recommended skills we need to teach our students. These skills can be threaded into any STEM-related curriculum. All attendees will receive a Student Employable Skills Checklist so you can start assessing your students in these areas.

1.3 CEU’s for Teachers are offered. Attend 5 or more sessions and complete the evaluations. $25 to be paid to MSState for certification.

Signup now and make payment either on-line or mail in check by March 9th, 2019.

Register each individual separate. Make payment before March 15, 2019 to confirm your registration.

    Teacher or Student (required)


    If you are a high school student what is the name of your registered teacher/coach?

    Attendee First Name (required)

    Attendee Last Name (required)

    Attendee Email (required)

    Attendee Phone

    Attendee School/Organization/Company (required)

    I am interested in receiving CEU's.


    I would like to have an exhibit table for my activity or equipment demo. Describe.

    How many years have you been teaching?

    How many years have you been teaching STEM?

    What is your biggest struggle in teaching?

    What is your biggest struggle in teaching STEM?

    How will you pay? Select One (required)

    Select your preference day to attend the VR Workshop. Teachers can choose Fri at 3pm or Sat at 10:30am. All high school and college student's Workshop is Sat 2:45pm. Teachers, if you don't care which Workshop you attend then select more than one and we will put you in the one that is available. When you are not in a Workshop we will have great speaker sessions for you to attend.
    Select Your Conference Workshop Day/Time
    Friday PMSaturday AMStudents - Saturday PMNo Workshop

    If you do not receive a confirmation email please let us know by sending an email to: STEMAdvancement@gmail.com

    Pay using PayPal below or mail a check to: Mississippi Robotics, PO Box 426, Woodville, MS 39669. Allow one week for mail delivery.
    We accept purchase orders.

    Attendee Name

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    Mississippi Robotics